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    The quality of this project has been enhanced tremendously
    with the help of some exceptional friends.  Specifically, I
    would like to thank Don Caton, Gary Herbstman, Sandy Leaf,
    Terry O'Neill and John Thorla.  Without these folks, there
    would be no FlexFile.

    Don Caton selflessly offered innumerable hours, consulting on
    both technical and practical issues in the creation
    FlexFile's design.  In addition, he has relentlessly tested
    the software, dug up insidious bugs, and has been generous
    beyond belief.

    Gary Herbstman provided a major influence in the technical
    design of the VLF engine and provided some of its tightest

    Sandy Leaf covered the gamut from business advisor to
    advertising agent. Without Sandy's considerable attention to
    schedule, FlexFile would have been completed anyway... in a
    year or two.

    Terry O'Neill took this documentation from a pile of
    scribbled notes to a coherent, comprehensive and clean User
    Manual.  His sense of perfection spilled out of the
    documentation and into the code where he has corrected and
    simplified many of the library's functions.

    John Thorla has been an inspiration, an advisor, and a
    friend.  This thanks to John is extended to all the folks at
    his company, Direct Link Software, who have continually
    provided me with encouragement, product testing, need for
    functionality, ideas for marketing, proof reading and a
    multitude of laughs when they were most needed.  Specific
    thanks go to Dave Peters and Randy Robalewsky.

    Brice  de Ganahl
    President, Ganahl Software

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